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That’s the greatest gift I’ve ever received. On my 15th birthday, I was __________  when my father and mother insisted that I go on a “mystery drive” with them. I figured it must be something good, as it was my birthday. I didn’t realize exactly how happy I would be though, ___________ we pulled up in the parking lot of a huge sewing supply store. I immediately knew what was coming. Although I could not manage to ____________ my smile, I was able to compose (使平静) myself enough to walk out of the car and to the store without____________. This was the day when my family was going to open the doors to a new opportunity for me. As you might have __________  , they bought me a sewing machine. This may sound nice or some may even think it a dumb (笨的) present. I don’t only think of it as a machine, only. To me, it’s many things. For one, it’s my parents’ acceptance of my dreams and inspirations. They know that I have big plans for designing and think that I can ____________ them. Not only that, but it is the realization that my parents no longer think of me as a child with strange and unrealistic goals. They, for one of the first times in my life, ____________ me as a real adult. Plus, the knowledge that they were willing to pay a lot for the machine showed me that they____________ me. My family think that my creativity anddesigns are so unique that it’s worth it for me to get started on something real.

1.A.sorry B.proud C.surprised D.frightened

2.A.until B.after C.when D.unless

3.A.make B.lose C.catch D.control

4.A.singing B.crying C.whispering D.running

5.A.guessed B.feared C.seen D.heard

6.A.solve B.employ C.follow D.achieve

7.A.praised B.cared C.treated D.supported

8.A.ask for B.look after C.turn against D.believe in

