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While he was playing with his toy car, Tom found his mother crying. He ran to her and wiped the tears on her face with his little dirty hands, saying, “I won’t play with the toy any more and I’ll be a good boy.”

After a while, he asked his mom, “Why are you crying?” “Because I am a mother, boy,” she told him.

“I don’t understand,” he said. His mom took him in her arms and said, “You will never.”

Later, the little boy asked his father about it. “All mothers cry for no reason,” answered his father.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why mothers cry. One day while he was reading a story, he happened to find the answer. In the story, a lovely girl asked a granny, “Granny, why do mothers cry so easily?”

Granny said, “You see, girl, mothers are born to be special. Mothers’ shoulders are strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet soft enough to give comfort. Their hearts are kind enough to stand the misunderstanding which comes from their children. Mothers take care of their families without saying anything. They love their children, even when their children hurt them badly. This kind of great love makes a child who made mistakes feel better, and it helps mothers share a teenager’s worries and fears. Mothers have the ability to know others’ feelings. Only mothers can use tears whenever it is needed.”

1.When did Tom find out the reason why his mother cried one day?

A.After he asked his father about this question. B.After he grew up as a father.

C.After his granny told him about the reason. D.After he read a story.

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Children sometimes hurt their mothers. B.Children have their own worries and fears.

C.Mothers have the ability to know others’ feelings. D.Mothers always cry because of their children’s playing.

3.The best title for the passage is             .

A.Fathers’ Reasons B.Mothers’ Tears

C.A Granny’s Answer D.A Child’s Question

