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Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, so why not show the Earth some gratitude this year? Prepare an eco-friendly celebration that even Mother Nature would be proud of. Here are some small things you can do to make a difference.

Bring your own bag.

1.you’ll help reduce millions of plastic bags that make their way to landfills, waterways and oceans each year.


With all the heat produced from cooking a giant feast, your house will be warmer than usual. Turn down the thermostat(恒温器)at least two degrees to save energy.

Let’s talk turkey.

The big meal is over, so what do you do with all the leftover(剩余的) turkey? 3. using the extra meat to make a delicious soup you can drink after the holiday.

Buy locally.

Produce travels an average of 1,500 miles before reaching your home. Buy ingredients at a nearby farmer’s market to avoid harmful gases created by transporting food from far away.

Avoid wasting food.

The number of garbage trucks Americans fill each year would stretch halfway to the moon. Create natural fertilizer(肥料) for your garden by composting (将…制成堆肥)vegetable waste.

Don’t use the paper napkins.

Eating all that delicious food can get untidy, so use cloth napkins rather than paper.  4. .

Make green decorations.

5.Create a colourful centrepiece using fruits and vegetables that you can eat later.

A.Be green by giving

B.Turn down the heat

C.Don’t let it go to waste

D.Help those who need it this holiday

E.Make your own festive holiday decorations

F.Shop for the holidays with a reusable fabric bag

G.Cloth napkins can be washed and reused, which saves trees.

