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Perhaps you have seen some strange English before, like “big meter” for dami and “small buy” for xiaomaibu in Chinese. These are examples of incorrect translations (翻译) in China that can be seen everywhere from restaurant menus to information signs.

While many people find this Chinglish to be funny, it is also said to “damage the country’s image” and confuse (使困惑) English speakers. On Dec. 1, China carried out its first national standards (规范) for the use of English in public service areas, People’s Daily reported.

The standards include more than 3,500 Chinese-to-English translations in 13 areas, including transportation, sports and education. This means that many Chinese words will now have standard English names.

For example, the English words for the Chinese dishes huntun and lamian are “wonton” and “lamian noodles”. For kaochuan and mixian, the English names are “barbecue” and “rice noodles”.

As for places, shaoniangong is called “children’s palace”. The entertainment activity nongjiale that we enjoy in rural areas is called “agritainment”. There are also many English warning (警示) phrases, like “wet floor” for xiaoxindihua and “mind your head” for dangxinpengtou.

The standards are part of efforts China has made in past years to fix incorrect English. Many cities have already fixed a lot of signs that show the wrong English translations. In 2015, Shanghai opened a 12345 hotline to encourage people to report incorrect translations.


1.When did China carried out its first national standards for the use of English in public service areas ? 


2.How many Chinese—to—English translations are included in the standards?


3.What is the English word for the Chinese xiaoxindihua?


4.Why did China carried out the standards?


5.How did Shanghai encourage people to report incorrect translations?


