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What would the world be like if cars could drive themselves? If you see an empty car stop to_______its owner, what would you think? Or if you see a car full of passengers and the passengers are reading, listening to music or even sleeping, but_________of them are worried, do you feel fantastic?

Well, all of this could be the future of_________. There are several companies working on driverless cars. If they succeed, these electric, self-driving cars could be available very soon. But, how is it _______for a car to drive itself?

Nowadays, the cars have already taken over some of the drivers’_________, such as parking themselves and slowing down when they find objects nearby. They can also control the speed if there is _________, such as snowy roads.

Some cars can even help the drivers deal with some special situations. Scientists and engineers believe, ________the help of new technology like cameras and GPS, people can produce safer self-driving cars. The number of _________ accidents will be much smaller in the future.

However, there are still some people who do not like the _________. American lawyer Whit Dreake, for example, doesn’t _________these cars are safe. He thinks it is a mistake to develop such cars.

1.A.stay up B.give up C.pick up D.make up

2.A.all B.neither C.both D.none

3.A.riding B.driving C.staying D.running

4.A.possible B.comfortable C.terrible D.enjoyable

5.A.life B.study C.exercise D.work

6.A.money B.danger C.work D.help

7.A.to B.at C.with D.for

8.A.sudden B.happy C.natural D.serious

9.A.hobby B.problem C.idea D.job

10.A.believe B.know C.hope D.care

