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Quoc Thyungen is a 40-year-old Vietnamese Canadian. He came to Canada with his family when he was young. There was a war in his country, and his parents wanted to move to a safe place so that their children could grow up in peace.

Quoc grew up just like any 1.[ˈnɔːrml]Canadian boy. He went to school, played sports, and did well2.his subjects. Later, he opened a restaurant. He was very successful. But something was missing in his life. He didn’t really feel 3.[ˈhæpi].

One summer, he went on4.trip to Vietnam. When he arrived in Hanoi, he saw many young boys living on the streets. As he spoke with them, he realized(意识到) how little 5.had and how much he owned in his life.

Quoc felt a strong need to do something. Soon he made a 6.(decide). He bought a small building in Hanoi and changed it into a restaurant for 7.(visitor) . It served Vietnamese and Western-style food. Only street kids could work there. He taught some of them to cook, to work with the cash(现金), and others to wait on tables(伺候进餐). It became a very successful8.[ˈbɪznəs].

So far, over 75 boys have learned a skill and now they can make money on their own. Their life is no9.(long) dark and terrible. Quoc says that 10.(help)these boys has helped him find what was missing in his life.

