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Joe was a 75-year-old man. He lived very happily with his happy family. His children grew up and moved to different cities. He lived in a small village. Joe had 4 grandchildren and they used to visit him during their holidays.

It was the vacation time and Joe was waiting for his grandchildren to arrive. He was buying the favorite foods and cleaning the home for the kids. However, he lost his favorite watch when he was busy. His dead wife gave it to him when their first child was born.

The next day, he was very sad and said, “Dear children, I lost the most important watch I have ever had. Your grandma gave it to me. I feel like I'm missing my heart.”

The children looked for the watch everywhere in the home for more than 2 hours, but could not find it. Joe asked the children to stop looking for it as they could not find anything.

One grandson sat there quietly. The other children reached him and asked him what he was doing. He asked them not to make noise. He sat there for about 15 minutes and then ran to his grandfather. He got the watch and happily gave it to Joe.

Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied, “I sat there without making a noise. After a few minutes, I heard the sound of the watch.”

1.When did Joe's grandchildren come to see him?

A.On vacations. B.During Christmas.

C.After long work. D.Before New Year.

2.How long did the children look for the watch?

A.For less than two hours.

B.For at most two hours.

C.For not more than two hours.

D.For over two hours.

3.How did one of the children find the watch?  

A.By smelling the watch.

B.By pouring water.

C.By seeing the light of the watch.

D.By listening to the sound of the watch.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?  

A.The Great Family

B.The Friendly Children

C.The Use of Being Quiet

D.The Quiet Child

