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Three weeks ago, we were living paycheck to paycheck. We survived on my husband’s low-paid job and my disability. We have kids. Also, I was experiencing a terrible tumor (肿瘤)on my neck, leaving me staying in bed in extreme pain, but the operation was to be $8,000, out of pocket, because Medicare only covers 80%.

To take me to the hospital, my husband took a day off work. At 7 am, his boss called. He was being placed on paid leaving, waiting for an investigation into a mistake he had made at work.

We both panicked. Having slowly worked our way out of poverty (贫穷) for 8 years, we were so close to being OK and it was ail falling away. As my husband was a great worker, we decided to stay positive and hope for the best. However, two days later he received the official phone call-he was fired.

Having no savings to pay bills, we cried hopelessly. We went to the welfare office only to be told that he couldn’t collect unemployment for 8 weeks, meaning he had the possibility of having $0 income for two months. It was terrifying.

With only enough food to last for about a week, we applied for food stamps and Medicaid. Then we worked together- diving into job applications. After sending out resumes (简历)to everywhere in the field, he came across some promising companies. We kept our fingers crossed. Hopefully, we could get out of trouble as early as possible.

Soon I got a phone call-my neck operation was going to be free now that we were poor again. And my husband got an email invitation for a video interview and it went great. He would be paid $3 more an hour than his last job. What a roller coaster ride!

1.What was the family like before the husband got fired?

A.They showed little concern for each other.

B.They lived in an extremely poor area.

C.They could hardly make ends meet.

D.They led a rich and comfortable life.

2.Why did the boss call the husband?

A.To ask him about the truth. B.To tell him about a decision.

C.To persuade him to quit his job. D.To warn him to mind his work attitude.

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?

A.We were uncertain about our future. B.We waited hopelessly.

C.We felt more and more nervous. D.We wished ourselves good luck

4.What life lesson has the author learned from her experience?

A.Many hands make light work.

B.Actions speak louder than words.

C.When one door shuts, another opens.

D.One false step makes a great difference.

