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Stop Smoking Now——We Can Help!

In most US cities and towns, there are local organizations to help people stop smoking. One of the most popular and successful organizations is California Smokers’Helpline.Here is a page from one of their leaflets(传单).

When you really want a cigarette(香烟)——try the three Ds:

1. Delay: Look at your watch and wait for a couple of minutes. If you can wait two minutes, you won't want to smoke.

2. Drink something: If you drink water or some other drinks, you will reduce the need to have something in your mouth.

3. Deep breathing(呼吸): Take a deep and slow breath. Count to five when your lungs are full. Then breathe out slowly. Repeat several times.

And here are some ideas from Florida Anti—smoking Club to help people to give up smoking:

1. Make a plan: Make a list of friends who smoke and places where you smoke. Don't see those people and don't go to those places!

2. Keep busy: Instead of smoking, make a phone call, take a short walk, or talk with a friend.

3. Develop new interests: Exercise—walking, biking, jogging, swimming or taking a music class——helps you to forget about cigarettes.

Set a date and act at once to give up smoking for your own good.

Passage Outline(概要)

Supporting Details

Organizations to help stop smoking

There are local organizations to help stop smoking.Among them are California

Smoker’s Helpline and Florida Anti—smoking1..

Ds to help stop smoking

Delay your action.Delay for more than two minutes,and you'll probably give up the desire to smoke.

2.something. Drink water or something else,and you can reduce the need to smoke.

Deep breathing. Take a deep breath slowly, count to five, and then breathe out.

3.to help give up smoking 

Make a plan to avoid meeting the friends who smoke and don't go to the places where you smoke.

Keep 4.doing something instead of smoking.

Develop your interests to help you forget about cigarettes.

Advice to smokers

For your own good, you 'd' better set a date and 5.at once to give up smoking.

