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Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Are you still disappointed at your failure? Stop sighing, and change your mental model.

Change your view on “success” and” failure”.

Most people have the following mental model: SUCCESS—YOU—FAILURE. 1.but what if you change that model? YOU—FAILURE—SUCCESS. Instead of for viewing failure as something to be avoided, turn it into a “steppingstone” on the path to success

Increase your failure rate.

If it is true that the more we fail ,the more we succeed then your immediate goal should be to intentionally increase your failure rate! 2.Intentionally increasing failure means the more people tell you “no”, the closer you will get to ultimate success.

Set “No” goals.

3.But how about setting goals for failure? The exciting aspect is how it keeps people “in the game ”when they are “red hot”. If all you have is “yes” goals and then you slow down or quit when you are successful, the hot steak end .But if you keep going when you get the “yeses” of life, the sky is the limit


If the key to success is to increase our failures, then it makes sense to celebrate our setbacks. Yes, you heard right: if someone turns you down, celebrate it! Instead of mentally punishing yourself for not succeeding, buy yourself ice cream and say ,”I am one step closer to success ! ”Stop letting failure have a negative impact on your thoughts and emotions.

A.See courage as a muscle

B.Celebrate your failures.

C.Everyone sets success goals

D.With this thought in mind, you are succeeding even when you fail

E.All the courage you need to achieve success is already in you ,just waiting for you to take action

F.They see themselves in the middle, and do everything they can to move toward success and away from failure

