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A: Hi, James, are you feeling well today?

B: No, Tina. 1.

(James let out a loud sneeze(打喷嚏). Ah-choo, Ah-choo)

A: You should cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze.

B: You’re right. 2.

A: No, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue(纸巾).

B: Oh, right. 3.

A: Yes. Then you won’t spread them.

B: Oh, Tina, you hardly ever get sick.

A: Yes. I drink lots of water and get enough sleep.

B: I also need more sleep. 4. That helps kill germs(细菌).

A: Rest is important when you’re sick. 5.

B: You’re right. I really should.

A.What should I do?

B.Oh, that looks serious.

C.I have a little cold.

D.What’s more, I wash my hands a lot.

E.I’ll cover them with my hands next time.

F.Then I won’t get germs on my hands.

G.Maybe you should go home to have a good rest.

