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Right now, for a short period of time, the Earth has two moons. One moon is the one you know. The other is a tiny car-sized moon that showed up in the last few years and could leave within tile next month.

In mid-February, two scientists at the Catalina Sky Survey noticed a moving dot on their computer screens. That seemed unusual, because most of the stars on their screens appear to stay in one position.

At first, scientists wondered if it was a human-made object, like part of a rocket. But after more measurements, it seems clear that the object is a asteroid (小行星)—a chunk of rock floating in space.

There are many asteroids in space, but most of those in our solar system are orbiting (环绕) the Sun. The object the scientists had noticed was orbiting the Earth. The asteroid had been orbiting the Sun, but it passed too close to the Earth and was pulled in by the Earth's gravity.

The object has been given the name "2020 CD3". When we think of a moon, we most likely think of the Earth's moon. But the word "moon" can actually mean any body that goes around a planet. That makes 2020 CD3 a moon of the Earth.

Or perhaps a mini-moon. Scientists say 2020 CD3 is probably only about 6-12 feet (2-3.5 meters) wide when measured through the middle.

What's very clear is that 2020-CD3 is not a very stable moon. It appears to have been drawn in by the Earth's gravity about three years ago, and has since followed a very unusual path.

The Earth's main moon has a very stable orbit around the Earth. The orbit taken by 202Q CD3, on the other hand, circles around wildly.

This isn't the first time the Earth has load a mini-moon. In 2006, there was also an asteroid caught by the Earth's gravity. It was named 2006 RH120, and it only stayed around for about a year.

2020 CD3 will not probably remain under the power of Earth's gravity for long. Scientists think that the mini-moon will leave by April.

But for now, the Earth has two moons.

1.How did 2020 CD3 become a moon of the Earth?

A.It appeared on the computer screens. B.It was sent up into space by human.

C.It was caught by the Earth's gravity. D.It orbited the Sun in an unusual way.

2.Which of the following best explains the underlined part in Paragraph 7?

A.2020 CD3 is a large piece of rock floating in space.

B.2020 CD3 can't stay in one position for a long time.

C.2020 CD3 travels too close to the Earth when orbiting the Sun.

D.2020 CD3 has always changed its path since becoming a moon.

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Earth Has a New Moon For Now B.The Research On the Moon 2020 CD3

C.Two Moons For the Earth From Now On D.The Earth Needs the Mini-moon For Long

