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Museums, live music and malls are nice. But there are many young people who have_______time to enjoy these things. They follow the“996 ”work schedule(时间表)—starting work at9 am and finishing at9pm,six days a week.

The“996”work schedule became a heated topic online after a computer programmer_________a website called“996. ICU”.According to the website, working to a“996”schedule is_______and could cause people to end up in an ICU(重症监护室). This work schedule is_______at Chinese tech companies like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent._______ most“996”workers do not get overtime pay.

Many tech industry workers_______this schedule.“I kept to” for nine months,Zhang, a former software worker, said. “I couldn’t sleep because of the pressure. So, I_______ .”

However, the bosses of some tech companies defended((为…辩护)“996”. Jack Ma was_______them. “If you don't work to‘996’as you are young,_______?”Ma said.“If you don’t put in more time and energy than others, how will you achieve the success you want?”

Many__________Ma's thinking. In an article in People's Daily, one writer said, “Valuing hard work does not justify(使……合理化)__________workers to work overtime.”

A lawyer named Cui Zhendong said it is____________the law to use a“996”work schedule.China’s Labour Law clearly states (声明)that workers should work no more than 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week.

1.A.much B.some C.enough D.little

2.A.set up B.set out C.set off D.set down

3.A.unimportant B.unknown C.unhealthy D.uncertain

4.A.rare B.strange C.necessary D.common

5.A.After all B.What's worse C.For example D.That's to say

6.A.accept B.enjoy C.dislike D.manage

7.A.gave away B.gave up C.gave out D.gave off

8.A.among B.between C.without D.below

9.A.how B.when C.why D.where

10.A.doubted B.wondered C.believed D.supported

11.A.paying B.inviting C.attracting D.forcing

12.A.for B.beyond C.against D.along

