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NextFest is an unusual exhibition where you can meet the most creative minds and discover new technology from around the world and see the things that will change the way we live, work and play in the future. For example,......

Brainball is a computer game with a difference: if you’re too competitive, you'll lose. The more relaxed you are, the better you play. Brainball measures your brainwaves and the person who is the most relaxed can push the ball to the other side and win. I’m sure it will be a popular game with yoga teachers and nervous parents everywhere.

If you’re interested in fashion, NexlFest can show you the clothes of the future—cloth which you can change by downloading styles from the web, clothes which look after your health and a biometric(生物测量的) suit which watches over your body and gives you medicine when you need it.

Another hit is a humanoid(类人的) robot which can walk, turn, climb up and down stairs—and even dance. Asimo copies human movement and is friendly-looking. Its maker, Honda, believes it will be a big help to blind or elderly people and to those who can’t get out of bed.

The Skyear looks as if it could only appear in a Hollywood film. It certainly lives up to its name: it can fly. It can climb at more than 2.000 metres a minute and reach a speed of 365 mph. If you want one, it will cost you about $500,000!

If you want to see the future, come to NexiFest. It’s open all this whole week at the State Science Exhibition Centre.

1.What should you do if you want to win a game of Brainball?

A.Keep a cool head. B.Be strong enough.

C.Have a creative mind D.Be highly competitive.

2.What is Asimo designed to do?

A.Direct human movement. B.Look after human’s health.

C.Give patients medical treatment. D.Help the elderly and the disabled.

3.What can we learn about NextFest?

A.It lasts five days. B.It is held by Honda.

C.It is related to technology. D.It sells clothes and medicine.

