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Scott was not happy. He had no money left to buy the new toy train he wanted. Suddenly, he had an idea! "I’ll ask my brother Alan if I can borrow some money. He always has money to lend people. "

Scott found Alan in his room. "Alan, may I borrow $20 from you to buy myself a new train?"

Alan replied, "I just spent all of my money on Mom’s birthday present. I have no money left. You are barking up the wrong tree. "

Scott was very disappointed. He decided to get a job. He went to many stores, but no one had a job for him. He walked and walked from store to store.

Finally, he got a job selling ice cream and he was very happy. "My feet are tired for walking all day, but I can get enough money for a toy train. "

1.Why did Scott need to borrow money?

A.Because of his money for education.

B.Because he wanted to buy a new toy train.

C.Because he wanted to buy a present for his mother.

D.Because he needed to get a job.

2.The underlined(划线) phrase "barking up the wrong tree" means ______.

A.acting like a dog B.asking the wrong person

C.asking the right person D.climbing up the wrong tree

3.According to the story, Scott might work in _______.

A.a present store B.a book store C.a clothing store D.a dessert house

4.What do you think of Alan?

A.He was unfriendly. B.He was clever. C.He was kind. D.He was silly.

5.What can we know from the story?

A.Scott could get a new train. B.Scott didn't like his brother.

C.Scott's family was very poor. D.Scott didn’t have a brother.

