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2020 is the Year of the Rat. In order to welcome the New Year, images of rats can seen all over the China, in various decorations, toys and other creative  p1..

Standing at the front line of cultural communication, the Forbidden City also brings two rat statues s2.for lucky rats in Tibetan (西藏的) culture, known as “Tuboshu” in Chinese people.

Rats are always a3. at midnight and are good at biting. It was b4. by the ancients that their ability to bite off bad things can end what is not so pleasant and help start a fresh new day.

So the Year of the Rat is also considered as a new  b5.in the cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

By coincidence (巧合的), the year of 2020 is a6.the beginning of the 2020s. Many people also h7. for a lucky new decade.

To get some luck, maybe you can start by v8.the Forbidden City. Don’t forget to take a photo with two cute rats if you come for a visit.

