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Marvel at These Freaks of Nature

The world is filled with unique, breathtaking sites-from boiling craters to caves full of lightning bugs. While a global disease or natural disasters shock our soul, we might not appreciate nature. In fact, enjoying the wonder of nature can provide some breaks from too much time indoors. These sites are great for you when looking for hope in some of Mother Nature's greatest offerings.

01 Fly Geyser (Washoe County, Nevada)

This geyser in northern Nevada, found surrounded by fields of grass was created by accident when a geothermal power company drilled a test well(井))where the geyser now sits in 1964. The combination of calcium carbonate deposits (碳酸钙沉淀物)and extremely hot water resulted in three nearly 6-foot-high, brightly colored red an« green hills that shoot hot water into the air.

02 The Marble Caves (Aysen,  Chile)

These caves --accessible only by boat - sit in the heart of Patagonia and wen formed over 6.000 years as water continued to splash against the solid rock formations to create these unique blue marble formations.

03 Lake Sorvagsvatn (Vagar, The Faroe Islands)

This freshwater lake is famous for its appearance of " floating above the ocean. Though it's actually not even 100 feet above sea level, from various camera angles, the lake looks like it is hundreds of feet above the ocean because of its juxtaposition(并列) with a dramatic waterfall and the cliff to its side.

04 Krka National Park (Sibenik-knin, Croatia)

This national park in southern Croatia is famous for having not one, but seven, gorgeous waterfalls streaming with greenish-blue waters, including the attractive Skradinskibuk waterfall. The clear water in its basin is often filled with visitors taking a dip.

1.According to the text, the following are all false except that ________.

A.these sites all have something to do with waterfalls

B.you may see lightning bugs in the Marble Caves by boat

C.Lake Sorvagsvatn are floating hundreds of feet above the ocean

D.the Flyer Geyser has 6 colorful hills shooting hot water into air

2.If visitors want to have a swim, they should go to ________.

A.the Flyer Geyser B.Lake Sorvagsvatn

C.Krka National Park D.the Marble Caves

3.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To give basic facts about these freaks of nature.

B.To explain the reasons why these sites are great.

C.To call on people to appreciate these freaks of nature

D.To offer advice on how to visit these wonders of nature.

