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Sunshine Apartment


Diamond House




Built  in 1967

Built in 1984

Built in 1997

bedroom, living room kitchen,2 bathrooms

3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms kitchen,2 dining room

2 bedrooms,kitchen,

bathroom, living room

a small garage

a big beautiful garden

a garden and a garage

9 km from the city center

23 km from the city center

in the city center

1. Diamond House was built ___________.

A. with $132,000

B. in 1997

C. 9 km from the city center

D. about ten years ago

2.Seaview is __________ more expensive than Sunshine Apartment.

A. thirty-four thousand dollars

B. twelve thousand dollars

C. five thousand dollars

D. twenty-two thousand dollars

3.Which of the following is true?

A. Seaview has got 3 bedrooms and two kitchens.

B. Diamond House has got a garden and a garage.

C. Diamond House is cheaper than Sunshine Apartment.

D. Sunshine Apartment has got a small garden.

4.If you like doing shopping in the city center every day, you’d better buy ________.

A. Seaview        B. Sunshine Apartment

C. Diamond House    D. None of them

5.The Smiths want to buy a house with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a garden, a living room and a garage. Which one do they choose?

A. Seaview          B. Sunshine Apartment

C. Diamond House     D. None of them

