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Charli and Ashlee began making YouTube videos when Charli was 6 years old and Ashlee was 3 years old. They were the first young kids on YouTube to upload(上传) weekly baking videos, and they do the baking without the help of an adult. Now the two mini-baker(小面包师) have made over 100 videos and the videos have had more than 50 million views worldwide.

Charli is 8 years old and lives in Australia. She is outgoing and always shows a positive attitude to everything. She loves art, craft and baking. She loves playing games on her iPad, too.

Ashlee is Charli’s sister and she’s 5 years old. Ashlee’s favourite part of making videos is the taste test! She loves making people laugh and she wants to be a doctor one day. She also loves animals, books and toys.

1.How long have the two sisters made YouTube videos?

A. For 2 years.   B. For 3years.   C. For 5 years.   D. For 8 years.

2.How often do they upload the baking videos?

A. Every day.   B. Every week.   C. Every year.   D. Every month

3.What is Charli’s hobby?

A. She loves toys, craft and baking.

B. She loves art, craft and reading books.

C. She loves baking, art and computer games.

D. She loves craft, baking and keeping animals.

4.What does Ashlee want to be one day?

A. A worker   B. An engineer   C. A scientist   D. A doctor

5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The two sisters from Australia can make videos on their own.

B. The two sisters can make bread without adults’ help.

C. The younger sister loves tasting what they have made best.

D. The videos they have uploaded to YouTube are popular now.

