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The first note I ever wrote to my mother said "Hi,Mom! Have a nice day! Love,Marie!"I was twelve when I wrote it,and I folded the___________into her change purse (零钱包).

My mother worked as a cleaner in a clothing factory.I knew that when she___________meals in the dining hall,she would have to look for change in her purse.I didn't know that she would___________that note,and always carry it with her.

From the day that I___________folded the small piece of paper into my mother's change purse,she and I left each other___________notes.They would be put in the fridge,under a lamp,or next to the TV set.I___________found one in my shoes.From the outside,the notes may be just___________about our days,ideas and wishes.But to my mother and___________,they were a lifeline----the communication between each other that no one else___________.

On October 20,2009,my mother died after a long illness.I stood near her bed,___________ her hand.I didn't cry the day my mom died,___________ I didn't cry the week later when I went to collect her things.I was so thankful that she didn't have the___________any longer.

One day,I found a note that my mom___________me.It was in the___________of my favorite childhood book for years.It read "Dear Marie,I love you always.Miss you a lot.Don't forget me.Be ___________! Love,Mom."That day,I cried.

1.A. note   B. book   C. diary   D. letter

2.A. prepared   B. sold   C. bought   D. cooked

3.A. forget   B. keep   C. lose   D. pick

4.A. carefully   B. wisely   C. quickly   D. carelessly

5.A. big   B. funny   C. secret   D. beautiful

6.A. hardly   B. never   C. even   D. seldom

7.A. something   B. anything   C. nothing   D. everything

8.A. her   B. me   C. him   D. us

9.A. know   B. believed   C. promised   D. remembered

10.A. reaching   B. watching   C. pushing   D. holding

11.A. and   B. but   C. or   D. because

12.A. gifts   B. aches   C. dialogs   D. mistakes

13.A. lent   B. sent   C. passed   D. left

14.A. lines   B. words   C. pages   D. pictures

15.A. serious   B. happy   C. patient   D. strict.

