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An unusual thing happened to me a few years ago. I spoke casually with a woman who served tables at a restaurant. We knew each other by first name only, but usually chatted for a few minutes each time I ate there.

“Do you have a son about eight years old?” One day, she asked me.

“What has he done?” As a mother, I thought it for a while out of my child’s safety. Then I nodded yes.

“Does he play soccer?” She went on asking.

When I said that he did, she asked if he played in a game the previous week at a particular field. Again, I answered yes.

“I thought so,” she smiled, “I saw him and thought he must be your son.”

“I didn’t know he looked that much like me!” I was amazed and said since there were tens of thousands of young boys in the city.

“Oh, I didn’t see his face,” she said, smiling as if she were keeping a secret.

“Then how did you know he was my son?” Now I was puzzled.

“I was just siting in the car, and I saw a little boy in a baseball cap walking across the field to join his team. He walks like you.”

Walks like me? Now I was curious. How do I walk? Perhaps I can’t help how I walk down a street, but I want to know how I walk through life.

Through life, I want to walk gently. I want to treat all of life: the earth and its people with admiration. I want to walk lightly, even joyfully, through whatever days I am given. I want to laugh easily. And throughout life, I think I would like to walk with more modesty and less anger, more love and less fear. If life is a journey, then how I make that journey is important, but still I wonder how I look when I walk down a street.

1.How did the author feel when she heard the woman’s first question?

A. Angry.   B. Proud.

C. Worried.   D. Understanding.

2.How did the woman know that the boy was the author’s son?

A. By his age.   B. By his face.

C. By his way of walking.   D. By his way of playing soccer.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. The woman is the author’s close friend.

B. The woman worked in a restaurant.

C. The author’s son didn’t like the woman.

D. The author didn’t believe in the woman.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Walking through life

B. Living a peaceful life

C. An amazing woman

D. Discussing about my well-known son

