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There are two methods by which hydrogen(氢)can be used to power cars.The first way is to use hydrogen to drive the engine,in much the same manner as many cars use gas.The second method is to use the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen in a battery(电池).

The dream of producing hydrogen for the car from water while driving is a long way off,so we are still at the period of batteries and filling the tank with hydrogen gas.This is the most difficult thing for car users and producers.There are only sixteen hydrogen filling stations in Los Angeles and none in 99% of other cities worldwide.

Indeed,some of the big name automobile producers have pulled out of the race to put the first practical hydrogen car on the streets.Ford and GM have announced that they are pulling out in America and so has Renault in France.

However,the Japanese companies are going on with it.In fact,Honda introduced its first hydrogen fuel car in 1999.They are now working on the second­generation hydrogen cars known as the FCX Clarity.Guess where you can buy these cars?There is only one city in the world.Yes,Los Angeles,because of its filling stations.

Honda thinks that they could go into full­scale production of the FCX Clarity by 2020,if the world is prepared for them by then.Hyundai has on­going plans to make hydrogen fuel cars and says that they will be produced in 2012.Daimler also says that they would be producing 100,000 hydrogen fuel cars in 2012-2013.

Then there are hydrogen powered buses in several European cities including Amsterdam,Barcelona,Hamburg,London,Luxembourg and Madrid.Lotus,the maker of London taxis,has announced that they want to produce some hydrogen powered taxis in time for the London Olympics.

So the hydrogen vehicles(交通工具)are out there and the numbers will be growing fairly soon.However,getting fuel is not the only difficulty for the average motorist.

1.Which of the following things may take the longest to come true?

A. Using the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen in batteries to power cars.

B. Using water to produce hydrogen for cars while driving.

C. Hyundai's developing hydrogen fuel cars.

D. Developing hydrogen powered taxis.

2.Which of the following statements about hydrogen powered vehicles is TRUE?

A. Hydrogen powered cars were not introduced to the public until the 21st century.

B. Hydrogen powered buses can only be seen in America right now.

C. Hydrogen powered taxis produced by Lotus will be used in America soon.

D. Hydrogen powered vehicles are likely to increase in the number soon.

3.The writer wrote this passage mainly to________.

A. tell us the history of hydrogen powered vehicles

B. tell us the present­day situation of hydrogen powered vehicles

C. introduce some Japanese car producers to us

D. introduce several European cities that are using hydrogen powered vehicles

