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Here are four clothing stores.

Golden Point

Sell: women’s clothing and accessories (配饰)

Open hours: 8:30 a.m. —9:30 p.m.

Clothes: Good Price: £ £ £ £

Service: ★

Phone: 6632225

The West Village

Sell: men’s clothing and second-hand (二手的) clothing Open hours: 8:00 a.m. —10:00 p.m.

Clothes: Bad Price: £ £

Service: ★★★★

Phone: 7632646

Sports World

Sell: sports clothing Open hours: 9:00 a.m. 一 9:00 p.m.

Clothes: Very good Price: £ £ £

Service: ★★★

Phone: 7799365

The Cross

Sell: children's clothing and accessories

Open hours: 8:30 a.m. 一 7:30 p.m.

Clothes: Best

Price: £ £ £

Service: ★★

Phone: 7246911

Notes: £ means the cheapest; £ £ £ £ means the most expensive; ★ means friendly; ★★★★ means the friendliest

1.In Golden Point you can buy      .

A. women’s clothing   B. men’s clothing

C. second-hand clothing   D. children's clothing

2.The West Village has      .

A. the best clothes   B. the best service

C. the worst service   D. the most expensive clothes

3.If you want to learn more about children's accessories, you can call      .

A. 6632225   B. 7632646   C. 7799365   D. 7246911

4.The opening hours of      are the longest.

A. the Cross   B. Sports World   C. the West Village   D. Golden Point

5.The most expensive store      .

A. has the best clothes

B. has the friendliest service

C. opens earliest each morning

D. sells women’s accessories

