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I was having trouble with a bully(恃强凌弱者)at school once when I was younger. One day I eventually confided(吐露)my trouble to my grandmother. I told her that I was being bullied at school.

She surprised me a little bit when she asked me what it was about.__ 1.__. She said she knew what it was about. She said it was because I hadn't done anything wrong and was simply being me. _2._ Why would I be bullied for not doing anything wrong?

_3.__I was sure that couldn't be right. We weren't very well off(富裕的) so I had second­hand clothes,simple shoes,etc. while the other person was always in the latest fashion and had new things.

Then my grandmother explained that the jealousy(嫉妒)was not of material things but of what I carried inside—my “hidden gems(宝石)”.My grandmother said that the bully was jealous that I had so many wonderful gems hidden inside of me. __4.

When I was at school the next week,I had a whole different view of the bully. I think the pity must have shown in my eyes because the bullying stopped.

__5.__.And it is,I think,of great help to them when they are  in such trouble.

A.I fought with him bravely following my grandmother's advice.

B.Hearing that made me feel sorry for the bully.

C.This is the message that children need to hear to increase their confidence.

D.I said that I really didn't know.

E.What the bully did was completely wrong.

F.I really didn't understand her.

G.She said that the other person was jealous of me because of something he lacked.

