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Tips to Create Great Readers

Are great readers born or are they made? Obviously, children don’t enter the world knowing how to understand a text or make a prediction. 1.. Here are some tips for making children great readers by habit.

2.. The most critical moment in reading instruction is when children get something wrong. If the child continues practicing the skill incorrectly, he or she will build weaker habits. Intervene (干预) with a targeted question, such as “How does this part of the text help you understand this character?” Doing so can prevent poor habits from taking root and build great ones in their place.

Build habits at the moment of writing. Just like adults, children use writing to gather their thoughts about a text and communicate their ideas to others. 3.. For example, children can first have a discussion about what they’re reading by answering a focus question in writing: “What is the author trying to teach us in this story?” 4.. By doing this, you can get a better understanding of what guidance the children will need during the discussion.

Build habits at the moment of reading. Independent reading time is important for any reading program. It’ s a chance for children to put together everything they’ve learned in reading lessons and fly using their own wings. 5.. So providing a rich class library and letting children know that they are expected to read for the entire period will ensure their success as lifelong independent readers.

A. Then, you can review their written responses.

B. Therefore, you can develop their writing and reading skills at the same time.

C. They grow into great readers by learning great habits.

D. Make sure children fall in love with reading.

E. But it only works if they really do spend that time reading.

F. Build habits at the moment of error.

G. Specific lines or phrases from the text help to reveal that information.

