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Christmas means different things to different people. To some people, it means bright packages under a Christmas tree. To others. it means family get together to have a wonderful meal. To Christians. it means Jesus's birthday. Christmas also means giving a helping hand to people in need. Although people are busy s   1. for presents and sending Christmas cards, they take time to help others.

In America and around the world, Christmas offers many chances to spread "peace on earth, goodwill toward men". For example, some people stand outside malls and stores collecting m   2.  for the needy. Many churches and other organizations collect toys and clothes as Christmas gifts for poor families. Going caroling (唱圣诞颂歌) is another traditional way to bring cheer to neighbors--e  3. the elderly and people who can't get out much. The Christmas spirit encourages people to help each other in  many different ways.

The spirit of helping others isn't l   4.  to Christmas. However. People help others year-round. Many organizations like The Make a Wish Foundation exist just to help others. It gives dying children a chance to have their dream come true. Thousands of people spend their time serving as v   5.  in hospitals, homeless shelters and schools. As the old saying goes, "Charity begins at home"-but it doesn't s   6.   there. Americans are keen on helping needy people in other countries. as well. Many American organizations reach out to suffering people in other countries. For a certain amount per month, people can provide needy children with food, clothing and education.

As long as there are people in need, helping others will remain an important task. Americans are not the only ones who believe in helping others. People in every culture recognize that being h   7.   is one of the greatest virtues(美德)in life. as well as one of the sweetest joys. The Christmas season is a great time to renew our promise to help people in need. We never know when we might need a little help.

