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F)阅读填空 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容在空格处填上一个恰当的词。

Anna came from a poor family. Her mother was in bad health and often got 1..This made the situation of the family even2..So after graduation, Anna decided to find a(n)3.quickly and make some money for the family.

She went to a company. The head of the company said no 4.her.Anna stood up to leave. But a nail(钉子)in the back of the chair 5.her hand. Anna turned around. She found something hard to bang(猛击)the nail into the chair so 6.it wouldn’t hurt others. The head of the company 7.all this.

Before Anna went8.of the company, the head called her back. She got the job! 9.a person shows love and care to others, he or she can do great things. They are the keys to success. Do you10.with me ?

