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Four benefits of writing by hand

Today is National Handwriting Day! Although we don’t write like we used to, here are four ways handwriting is still helpful.

It’s better for learning.

  1. That’s because putting ink to paper stimulates (刺激) the brain. One study from 2010 found that the brain areas related to learning “lit up” much more when kids were asked to write words like “spaceship” by hand versus just studying the word closely.


Many famous authors prefer writing by hand to the use of a typewriter or computer. Writer Susan Sontag once said that she penned her first drafts (草稿) before typing them up for editing later. She said, “  3.  ” A 2009 study seems to support Sontag’s preference for writing by hand: Elementary school students who wrote essays with a pen not only wrote more than their keyboard-tapping friends, but they also wrote faster and in more complete sentences.

It will prevent you from being distracted (分心).

The computer in front of you is really a distraction.   4.  In 2012, scientists even suggested that taking five-minute breaks to browse Tumblr or BuzzFeed could make you a more productive worker. However, when it’s time to work on that essay, have only a pen and paper in front of you.

It keeps your brain sharp as you get older.

  5. According to The Wall Street Journal, some physicians say that the act of writing is good exercise for those who want to keep their minds sharp as they age.

A. It makes you a better writer.

B. Writing is good for your brain.

C. Of course, the Internet isn’t all bad.

D. I like the slowness of writing by hand.

E. Try writing by hand at least 20 minutes each day.

F. Many writers have a preference for writing by hand.

G. One of the most effective ways to study is to rewrite your notes by hand.

