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The Colony, TX

Median home price: $135,863

Median family income: $89,308

Set on the shores of Lewisville Lake, The Colony is ideal for outdoor types. There’s boating and swimming on the lake, as well as hiking, picnicking and golf in the parklands around it. The Colony also enjoys a wealth of housing options, from one-bedroom apartments to lakeside mansions(大厦),Cute two-bedroom starter homes are available for less than $100,000and nice four-bedrooms can cost as little as $135,000

Gladstone, MO

Median home price :  $96,690

Median family income: $64,745

With the nickname of “Happy Rock”, Gladstone must be a cheerful place to live. Among its charms: This Kansas City suburb recently opened a new community center that has indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a fitness center and basketball courts. More reasons for residents to smile : A nearby Ford Motor plant is set to expand, which is expected to bring in new jobs. A four-bedroom, 2.5bath house was recently on the market for just $129,000

Irmo, SC

Median home price: $99,000

Median family income : $67,999

This September, Irmo celebrates its 40th annual Okra Strut. The Strut started small, as a fund raiser for a new library ,but now up to 100,000,people attend the two-day event. When the festival first started , Irmo was a sleepy town of just 500.It’s grown rapidly since, with 12,000 residents today. The average three-bedroom 1,300-square-foot home costs about $99,000

Powder Springs, GA

Median home price : $85,000

Median family income: $68,168

Families love Powder Spring’s charming downtown and pleasant quality of life .They also appreciate its reasonable real estate prices : Three-bedroom homes are on the market here for $85,000 and less . Another big draw is McEachern High School, which used to be a college campus. The school is supported by a large endowment , according to city manager Brad Hulsey . “People really want their kids to attend,”he said.

1.Which of the following describes the Colony, TX properly?

A. Modern and magnificent

B. Entertaining and optional

C. Cheap and very attractive

D. Expensive but fashionable

2.If you want to buy a house, you have to spend about $76.00 for every square foot in ______.

A. Powder Springs, GA

B. Irmo, SC

C. Gladstone, MO

D. The Colony, TX

3.By saying, “people really want their kids to attend” , Brad Hulsey means that ______.

A. Parents encourage their kids to go to school

B. people now pay more attention to education

C. kids usually enjoy themselves in Powder Springs

D. people buy the house in Powder Springs for the School

4.Who are most likely to be interested in the passage?

A. Students who are at school

B. Parents who have a low income

C. People who want to buy affordable houses

D. Builders who have just lost their jobs.

