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When you borrow books from a library, you are usually required to return them so that others can read them later. However, there are some libraries where you are allowed to return nothing at all.

Unlike most other libraries, these libraries don’t lend books; they lend seeds!

A seed library is a place where people can borrow and donate seeds. It is different from a seed bank which only stores seeds. It encourages people to plant and share seeds. Seeds in a seed library are often kept dry and cool in small packets. People can read the name of the plant varieties(种类) on the packet.

If you want to grow your own plants, such as potatoes or tomatoes, you can borrow seeds from a seed library. You can first choose the seeds you’d like to plant. Then, you take the seeds to the circulation desk(图书借还处) to “borrow” them. You don’t need to return the seeds unless you succeed in growing strong and healthy plants. Some seed libraries also provide gardening books to teach you how to plant the seeds.

At present, there’s only a small group of seed libraries in the world, but the number is growing. People who have created these seed libraries want to protect plant diversity(多样性) by offering people a place where they can obtain knowledge about plants and planting. They believe that protecting plant diversity is not only the job of botanists, but all of us.

1.What can people do in a seed library?


2.How are seeds kept in a seed library?


3.Do you need to return seeds to a seed library?


4.Why do people create these seed libraries?


5.Whose job is it to protect plant diversity?


