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On the night of the play,Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a suit of policeman’s clothes long____the end of the first scene. He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he____himself in the mirror.

Then he suddenly felt nervous. After all, it was his first time to____a part in a play.____could he face all those people watching the play? He put his head in his hands and tried to____his lines(台词), but nothing____to his mind.

A knock on the door made him look____. He was to go on stage(舞台) in the second scene. “Have I ______my part and ruined(破坏)the play for everybody?” he thought to himself. But____was only the manager. She____how nervous he was and____he should stand near the stage____he could watch and follow the play. It was a good____of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right; it seemed to _____. In fact the more he watched the play, the____he felt himself part of it.

At last the____came for him to appear on the stage. But suddenly the manager came to him again,_____worried as she placed a hand on his arm to____him back. “Has anything gone____?” Jack asked. “I’m afraid you’re going to be___,” she said. “They’ve jumped three pages of the play and have missed your part out completely.”

1.A. before   B. by   C. after   D. at

2.A. looked   B. admired   C. showed   D. enjoyed

3.A. make   B. join   C. have   D. give

4.A. Where   B. Why   C. When   D. How

5.A. read   B. remember   C. understand   D. learn

6.A. came   B. went   C. happened   D. got

7.A. away   B. out   C. down   D. up

8.A. passed   B. left   C. missed   D. failed

9.A. this   B. that   C. she   D. it

10.A. wondered   B. imagined   C. noticed   D. examined

11.A. agreed   B. suggested   C. persuaded   D. encouraged

12.A. where   B. when   C. which   D. there

13.A. way   B. idea   C. path   D. plan

14.A. do   B. win   C. work   D. act

15.A. less   B. harder   C. better   D. more

16.A. hour   B. minute   C. moment   D. period

17.A. feeling   B. looking   C. sounding   D. growing

18.A. hold   B. take   C. catch   D. push

19.A. bad   B. late   C. mad   D. wrong

20.A. frightened   B. excited   C. disappointed   D. pleased

