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I was driving to a business meeting and, as usual, I was planning in my mind what I was going to say. I came to a very ______ crossroads where the stop light had just ______ red. “All right,” I thought to myself. “I can beat the next light if I ______ ahead.”

Suddenly my thought was broken by an unforgettable ______. A couple, both ______, were walking arm-in-arm across this crossroads with cars running by in every direction. The man was holding the hand of a little boy, ______ the woman was ______ a baby in her arm. Each of them held a white cane(手杖), ______ for clues (线索) to guide them across the crossroads.

I was moved. They were fighting ______ one of the most feared handicaps (缺陷)—blindness. “Wouldn’t it be ______ to be blind?” I thought. My line of thought was quickly ______ by what I saw: the couple was not walking in the crosswalk, but into the ______ of oncoming cars. I was ______.

But I didn’t see an accident. Something ______ happened. Every car in every direction came to a stop almost ______. Suddenly a driver ______ his head out of his car, shouting, “To your right. To your right!”

Without a stop, the couple changed their ______ and followed the coaching. ______ their white canes and calls from some concerned people, they ______ it to the other side of the road.

Take time to ______ and you will really see something wonderful around you.

1.A. quiet B. empty C. busy D. lonely

2.A. got B. grew C. changed D. turned

3.A. pass B. race C. approach D. run

4.A. scenery B. event C. memory D. sight

5.A. young B. blind C. energetic D. deaf

6.A. while B. when C. though D. as

7.A. taking B. hugging C. carrying D. pulling

8.A. begging B. reaching C. asking D. searching

9.A. for B. over C. against D. off

10.A. terrible B. surprising C. thrilling D. fantastic

11.A. changed B. broken C. shared D. shaped

12.A. ride B. track C. orbit D. path

13.A. delighted B. puzzled C. frightened D. excited

14.A. amusing B. wonderful C. regretful D. embarrassing

15.A. from time to time B. all the time C. at the same time D. in time

16.A. stuck B. bent C. nodded D. shook

17.A. line B. situation C. way D. direction

18.A. Trusting B. Believing C. Holding D. Waving

19.A. got B. made C. put D. helped

20.A. look around B. look out C. get around D. come out

