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I want to share a story that recently a friend in the USA shared with me about her son’s language learning experience. Lisa is from Texas. We met 10 years ago.

Her son, Tommy, was a very excellent student and attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of American top three schools. After completing his master’s degree (硕士学位)in computer science,he was chosen to go to work in Japan for Canon.

During his time at MIT, Tommy had studied Japanese though he never took it too seriously. In Canon,when Tommy spoke English with others,they all told him,“No English. No English. ’’ However,this wasn’t a problem because Tommy simply started speaking Japanese to them. They were all surprised by his spoken Japanese. Most of them couldn’t believe that he’d only been learning for years and didn’t have as a major (主修科目)in college.

Canon immediately asked Tommy to teach English in their company. It was not his wish to teach English because his interest was in computer science. Anyway,they doubled his pay. Tommy accepted it and changed their way of learning. He took all of their textbooks away. He put them in informal (非正式的)classro6m situations,often without desks, and encouraged them to speak. He asked questions and started discussions.

His simple way was so successful that Canon asked him to travel to all of their companies throughout Asia and set up English Corners in every one of Canon’s offices.  In the past 6 years, Tommy has trained more than 20,000 workers.

1.According to the passage, ______•

A. the writer has known Lisa for 10 years

B. Tommy is the writer and Lisa’s friend

C. Tommy majored in Japanese at MIT

D. the writer is now living in the USA

2.What do we know about Tommy?

A. He went to Japan to work because his Japanese was great.

B. He always finds it difficult to talk to the Japanese.

C. He didn’t want to teach English at first.

D. His way of teaching English is not very helpful.

3.The underlined word “them” refers to “______

A. Tommy’s bosses   B. Canon’s workers

C. the textbooks   D. Canon’s customers

4.From the passage, we can learn that key to good language learning is______

A. listening   B. Reading   C. writing   D. communicating

