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Animal Performance Schedule

Animal Welcoming Visitors

Time: 9:00 am--- 10:00 am

Place: Inner Square next to the main gate

Sea Lion Performance

Time: 10:30 am--- 3:15 pm

Place: Sea Lion Show Place

All kinds of Art Shows

Time:1:30 pm---- 2:30 pm

Place: Baishoushan Show Place

Tiger and Lion Performance

Time: 11:30 am--- 2:30 pm

Place: Animal Arena(竞技场)

All the performances are free. For Animal Welcoming Visitors, you’ll have it only at weekends during the summer and winter time. Of course, there will be changes of the performances, on rainy days, for example.


1.What is this poster for?

A. To tell people where the animal park is.

B. To tell people what animals there are in the park.

C. To tell people about the animal performance schedule in the park.

D. To show what animals in the park can play with visitors.

2. Visitors can watch     in Baishoushan Show Place.

A. pandas welcome visitors       B. art shows

C. sea lions perform           D. tigers and lions perform

3.Which of the following shows is on for the longest time?

A. Animal Welcoming Visitors.

B. Sea Lion Performance.

C. Tiger and Lion Performance.

D. All Kinds of Art Shows.

4.If you get to Zhengzhou Park      , you’ll be able to watch the performance of “ Animal Welcoming Visitors”.

A. at 9:00 am. On Sunday, December 27

B. at 10:10 am On Sunday, April 12

C. at 10:30 am On Saturday, August 8

D. at 2:30 pm On Monday, October 19

5.Where can visitors watch the Tiger and Lion Performances in Zhengzhou Park?

A. In Baishoushan Show Place     B. In Inner Square

B. In Sea Lion Show Place       D. In Animal Arena

