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I have taught English in China for over six years.I think Chinese students work very ____,but the way they learn isn't the best.____   __ should focus on using what they already know.A lot of students seem to think they need to learn a large number of words or phrases __   _ they are able to say what they want to say.Most of the time they don't;they just need to __   _ the words they have learned more creatively.

A lot of Chinese students have spent a __   ___ time learning English,but they haven't spent a long time ____   __ to use it.You don't need to go abroad(到国外) to use English.You can find __   ___ you like on the Internet in English—basketball,chess,dogs…I have met a lot of people from Europe who are ___   __ English.They didn't spend hours learning from textbooks,and they didn't all go to the best schools.They regard English as a tool ___   _ having fun,socializing(交际) and doing business—not just for passing exams.I suggest the students in China should spend more time using their English for pleasure(快乐)—listening to ___   __,watching movies,reading news or whatever else they like to do.Whenever you use a skill,you'll improve it.

1.A.hard    B.well     C.quietly    D.quickly

2.A.Children  B.Parents  C.Students  D.Teachers

3.A.since    B.though C.before     D.unless

4.A.add    B.use      C.lose      D.face

5.A.whole    B.half     C.short    D.long

6.A.asking    B.trying  C.stopping  D.remembering

7.A.someone B.anyone  C.nothing  D.anything

8.A.good at  B.poor at  C.full of  D.afraid of

9.A.by       B.with     C.for       D.from

10.A.music    B.secrets  C.lessons D.Pronunciation

