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There can be no doubt about Sherlock Holmes or Indiana Jones. They are surely invented character. But Robin Hood: fact or fiction (虚构)? That question has many answers.

It depends on what you mean by a “real person”. If we mean, “Was there a man called Robin Hood, who did all the things we can read about?” then the answer is NO. But if we mean, “Was there a man who lived in the Middle Ages, and is remembered in the legends (传说) of Robin Hood?” then YES.

The legend of Robin Hood is a very old one, and it is certainly based on reality.

According to one story Robin was really an Anglo-Saxon nobleman (贵族), perhaps called Robin of Huntingdon, or Robin Fitzooth, and he was a rebel against England’s Norman rulers. After William conquered (征服) England in 1066, England was ruled by Norman kings and Norman barons (男爵). Most of the common Anglo-Saxon people accepted their new masters, but some didn’t. Robin was one of them. He took money from the Normans (who were rich compared to common people), and gave it to poor Anglo Saxons. That’s why he became the enemy of the Norman barons.

Other stories said that Robin lived in Yorkshire. And later stories had him living in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham. In Nottingham, Robin is now a very popular character. Visitors to the city can learn all about him at the “Legends of Robin Hood” exhibition (展览), where Robin and his experiences are brought to life.

Maybe Robin never lived at all in the past, but that would be too bad! His spirit is certainly alive today.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Someone created a role called Sherlock Holmes in his story.

B.There was a man called Indiana Jones in people’s real life.

C.Robin Hood was the real name of a hero in the history of England.

2.What does the underlined word “rebel” mean in Paragraph 4?

A.同盟 B.造反者 C.下属

3.From this passage, we can learn that Robin Hood in different stories ________.

A.is a real person who conquered England in 1066

B.is the enemy of the Anglo-Saxon poor people

C.has got different names and different birth places

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Many Norman barons might want to help Robin Hood.

B.At the “Legends of Robin Hood” exhibition, people can enjoy lifelike pictures of Robin Hood.

C.Fewer and fewer people are encouraged by Robin's spirit.

5.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.A Legend of Robin Hood

B.Robin Hood: Fact or Fiction?

C.The History of Robin Hood

