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It’s there, but it has no weight, no colour, and you can’t smell it. You can’t see it, but it’s working everywhere in our modern world. Don’t try to touch it! It’s dangerous. It has always existed, but humans learned about it only 500 years ago.

What is it? Electricity. It’s powerful and mysterious. Thanks to electricity, you can flick a switch(开关)and have light. Watched a good TV show lately? You couldn’t do that without electricity. We cook our food, heat our homes and run our computers using electricity. But what is it, really?

Here is a simple description. Everything in the world is made of atoms (原子). Atoms are small. You can fit millions of them on the head of a pin. In every atom, there are electrons (电子), protons (质子) and neutrons (中子). In some atoms, it is possible to move electrons easily from one atom to another. As the electrons move, a current(电流) is created. This is electricity.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand it fully. Just remember that electricity is the result of the movement of electrons. As the electrons move, they create a strong electric charge.

There are many ways to generate electricity. A machine called a generator spins(旋转) rapidly. Water and wind can make a generator spin. So can motors fuelled by oil. As the generator spins, the electrons begin to move. As they move, they create an electric current. Power lines (电线) are built from generators to carry this current to places where people can use it. Along your street, power lines bring electricity right to your door. A wire runs into your house. More wires inside your house are attached to the plugs. Plug in your lamp, the electricity lights up the bulb, and you have light!

It takes a lot of energy to make electricity. Oil is one of the main fuels(燃料) used to power electric generators. Another common fuel is coal. Our planet is running out of these resources, and using them creates a lot of pollution.

In the future, most electricity will be produced using the sun and wind. But for now, be careful about how much electricity you use. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Every little bit helps.

1.The writer mentions atoms in the third paragraph to    .

A.show the relationship between electricity and atoms

B.explain what the electricity is

C.tell us everything in the world is made of atoms

D.describe how the electrons move

2.The underlined word “generate” in Paragraph 5 probably means    .

A.move B.understand C.produce D.use

3.According to the passage, the writer probably agrees    .

A.it’s very easy to make electricity

B.oil and coal are pollution

C.most electricity is produced by sun and wind now

D.everyone should do his best to save electricity

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.How to make electricity.

B.How electricity helps us.

C.Electricity  — A Natural Force.

D.Save the energy; Save the world.

