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Kate: Hi, Judy! I'm going swimming. Would you like to go with me?

Judy: 1. look at my finger!

Kate: Oh! 2.

Judy: I broke the plate and cut my finger when I was doing the dishes.

Kate: That's terrible! 3.

Judy: No it's not a big deal. In fact, it's good for us to learn how to do chores.

Kate: 4. doing chores can help us learn how to look after ourselves.

Judy: You're right.

Kate: 5.

Judy: I just try to do what I can, such as cleaning the room and taking out the rubbish.

Kate: That's good enough. Take care!

Judy: Thank you. Let's go swimming another time.

Kate: OK.

A.What do you usually help to do around the house?

B.What's the matter?

C.Sorry, I can't.

D.Is it serious?

E.Where did you go?

F.I think so.

