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More and more frequently,classes,training for businesses,and personal development courses are offered online.1.

Set a daily schedule.2. Additionally,setting starting and stopping points can make studying seem less frightening.Break down each subject and task into small parts and make a schedule to complete each of these smaller tasks.

Use a specific(特定的)study place.Set aside an area in your home only for study. 3. As a result,they will try to avoid too much noise.Additionally,it is easier for you to focus your attention on studying and avoid distractions(分心). If you find it impossible to study at home without distraction,try to find a good spot at a local library.Libraries are quiet,adequately lit,and free from distractions.

4. The biggest mistake made by students who want to study online is not using a reliable,fast internet service.This is important to get all the necessary documents,course schedules,and other information throughout the class.

Avoid non-study websites.Don't let temptation(诱惑)to visit social media,check email,and click the latest top ten list turn your attention away from studying.Set a time limit for yourself.Use a timer to track time spent on non-course websites,and limit yourself to five minutes at a time5.

A.Make sure your internet connection is reliable.

B.It's also important to step away every so often.

C.Studying at the same time every day helps you focus.

D.This lets people know you are studying when you're there.

E.If you're new to online studying,here are some tips for you.

F.If you need a little extra help,there are a number of websites and apps that can help.

G.It's good to take breaks,but make sure you know how long you're pending on breaks.

