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There was a museum that made with beautiful marble tiles(大理石砖). And there was also a huge marble statue(雕像). Many people came to see the statue. One night, one of the marble tiles started talking to the marble statue.

Tile: Hey, statue. Don't you think it's unfair that everybody comes here to visit you while stepping on us?

Statue: My dear brother, don't you remember that we are in fact from the same place?

Tile: Yes. That's why we feel it's even more unfair. All of us were born from the same place, and yet the world treats us so differently now.

Statue: Do you still remember the day when the artist tried to work on you, but you refused?

Tile: Yes. We turned him away because we didn't want to get hurt.

Statue: Since you refused his tools, he started working on me instead. I knew at once that I would be something different and special after his hard work. And I bore all the pain.

After hearing this, all the marble tiles became silent and deep in thought.

The harder the knocks you go through in life, the more you can get! It wasn’ t long before the marble tiles realized it.

1.How did the marble tiles feel when people came to see the statue? (不超过5个词)


2.Why did the marble tiles turn away the artist? (不超过10个词)


3.What can we learn from this story? (不超过15个词)


