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Sophie and Miles sat on the shore watching their cousin surf.Kerry was a few years older than Sophie and Miles,and she had started surfing almost before they were able to walk.

Kerry rode a wave into shore,and then jumped off her board and ran over to where Sophie and Miles were sitting.”Are you two.ready to give it a try?”she asked.

Miles took a deep breath and nodded.He was worried about looking silly in front of his cousin,but he had a feeling he was going to love surfing.He expected it to feel like riding his bike down a hill without using the brakes(刹车).

“Don’t go out too far!”shouted Mrs.Taylor,and Sophie cheerfully waved back to her parents.Sophie was usually good at the things she tried.She learned quickly and wasn’t afraid to dive in,even if she had never done something before.Miles admired these characteristics in his sister,but knew he just wasn’t as adventurous as she was.

“Okay,”Kerry began,"I’m going to start you two out on longboards.They are easier to handle,especially for beginners.”Here are some tips.First,never paddle(划桨,划动)your surfboard out farther than you can swim back without it.Know what weather conditions to expect.Never surf alone,and always remember your limitations.Don’t forget that,for the ocean isn’t something to take lightly.”Kerry paused for a moment and looked at the serious expressions on her cousins’ faces.

“Now for the fun part,”Kerry said,"You need to position yourself in the center of your board,between the nose and the tail.When you’re positioned the right way,the nose should be a couple of inches above the water’s surface.When a wave catches the tail of the board,start paddling.Try to remember the sweet spot on your board,because you’ll want to position yourself the same way each time you go out.”

Sophie smiled widely at Kerry.”I had no idea that surfing was so technical.I thought you just catch a big wave and try to ride it without falling off.”

1.When did Kerry start surfing?


2.Why did Miles take a deep breath?


3.What is the difference between Sophie and Miles in character?


4.Why did Kerry make her cousins begin with longboards?


5.What conclusion could be drawn from Sophie’s words in the last paragraph?


