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World Environment Day: Eco-friendly fashion tips

June 5 will see another World Environment Day, 1. rather than something only remembered as a slogan (口号). Saving water, using public transportation and avoiding throw-away plastic products can all help benefit our future generations in the long run.

Your wardrobe could also be more environmentally friendly too, by following these tips:

Buy less

Many people take shopping, or buying things that are not necessary, as a way to reduce pressure. 2. Find a better and healthier way to reduce pressure, as unnecessary shopping could become another coming of pressure to both your money and the environment.

Less denim (牛仔布) and fur

If you still can’t change old shopping habits, try to buy less denim and fur products. Making just one pair of denim pants can seriously pollute the water. 3.

Choose natural and green material

Natural material, such as cotton, is good for not only the environment, but also the mind and body. The feeling of wearing a polyester (涤纶) shirt and an cotton shirt is totally different, especially in the hot summer.

Use natural cleanser (洁肤液)

Washing liquid and powder will pollute the water and harm your clothes. Try a natural cleanser, it can clean your clothes well without doing any harm to either the environment or your skin.

4. as dry cleaning will cause a lot of damage to the environment.


Secondhand clothes can be a smarter choice, especially for those you only wear on special occasions. And there are services for renting clothes, which can also help you save money and protect the environment.

A.Smart shopping.

B.Reduce the times you dry-clean clothes

C.Don’t waste too much time on washing clothes.

D.yet environmental protection should be an everyday activity.

E.And fur products could cause countless animals needlessly to die.

F.And nowadays,almost everyone buys more clothes than needed.

G.so we should celebrate it as a great event.

