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The martial art of Tai Chi is on the rise as more and more people discover the benefits that come from regular practice.1.With its gentle movements and focus on forms, it' s also a good way to relax and calm the mind while it energizes and build the body.2."Chi" means energy, and it's the focus on energy that makes it different from other martial arts. Tai Chi practitioners believe that, in a struggle, meeting force with force only hurts both parties.

Tai Chi is quite easy to learn. Many recreation centers and community groups offer classes, sometimes in parks and other public places.3.Wear loose and comfortable clothing and shoes, and you can just join in.

One of the major benefits of Tai Chi is that it's a sport you can practice for life. In China, many elderly people continue to do Tai Chi into their eighties and nineties, and the strengthening and balance moves are hugely beneficial to their continued mobility.4.As you focus on your breathing and posture, your mind can clear itself of its worries, which does good to your whole body.

5.All you need is your own body and enough room to stand in. You can do Tai Chi on a mountaintop, in a park, on an ocean beach, or in the middle of a forest. It's a perfect camping activity, and it's a lot of fun. So next time you see someone doing Tai Chi, ask them about it. They might offer to teach you the forms of this fascinating sport.

A.Tai Chi is more than a just a sport.

B.There are many styles and forms of Tai Chi.

C.Best of all, Tai Chi can be performed anywhere.

D.Tai Chi's true name in Chinese is Tai Chi Chuan.

E.More old people than young men practice Tai Chi

F.Often these classes are free and open to anyone who shows up.

G.Also, the slow moves and focus make Tai Chi a relief from stress.

