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Three simple keys to success

Being successful means different things to different people.1. My point is, the specifics involved in finding success can vary greatly, depending on your goal.

There are three basic components necessary for finding success, regardless of the specifics of your pursuit. And, since the desire for ownership is the driving force behind acquisition, I’ll use the word OWN as my simple three-item method for success:

1.O-Opportunity: One of the most important components in finding success is being able to identify opportunity. It is to success what wind is to sailing. 2. Identifying opportunity is the first step: awareness sets your sails for success while your motivation provides the wind.

2.W-Wisdom: By definition, wisdom is the accurate application of knowledge. 3. It requires clear understanding, great insight (洞察力) and good judgment. Once opportunity is identified, you must use all your inner resources to seize it and make the most of it. 4.Finding success when opportunity presents itself often means reaching out for help in areas where you have weakness or lack of knowledge.

3. N-Never give up: This might possibly be the most important for success. The key is to first break your goal down into workable parts so you don’t feel pressured, and then to work each part at ease with both enthusiasm and purpose. 5. Having this attitude keeps you moving in the face of trouble and becomes the driving force behind most success stories.

A.It takes a lot of time effort and determination to succeed.

B.Besides, wisdom means knowing your limitations.

C.But wisdom involves more than just knowing.

D.You simply can’t have one without the other.

E.Being successful demands doing well.

F.The road to success is being largely determined by what result you want to achieve.

G.You’ll finally succeed if you follow these steps.

