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Once, Einstein gave a lecture in a university. After his speech, the audience started asking questions.

A girl asked, “Do you think you’re ________ giant of science?”

Einstein said ________ a smile, “A giant is a person who is tall in height. You see I’m so small, how can I be a giant? Maybe I see a bit farther, only ________ I stand higher!”

Then a boy asked, “You mentioned you stand higher than ________. It reminds me that you had a talk with a lady on the top of the Alps. I don’t want to ask ________ you talked, but I want to know whether you realized you have been a top in the history of science when you stood on the top.”

Looking at the boy ________, Einstein replied, “Well,________ height cannot become a top. And there is no top that no one can get to, so we don’t want to be a top, but we want to be a person to climb the top!”

Then he took up a piece of chalk and ______  on the blackboard, “Standing on the top, you are not tall, but even smaller!”

Then he said, “Though I stand tall, in the eyes of the world I’m still small! Finally, I can tell you a sentence, which was the last one I told the lady on the top of the Alps, ‘Any top can ________, for there is no giant in the world but the one ________ stands higher!’”

A storm of applause sounded. The lady who listened to Einstein’s instruction on the Alps that year was no other than Madam Curie!

1.A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

2.A. in   B. of   C. with   D. from

3.A. so   B. because   C. but   D. though

4.A. another   B. other   C. the others   D. others

5.A. what   B. where   C. that   D. which

6.A. care   B. careful   C. careless   D. carefully

7.A. my   B. me   C. I   D. mine

8.A. write   B. wrote   C. writes   D. writing

9.A. reach   B. reaches   C. is reached   D. be reached

10.A. who   B. which   C. when   D. where

