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Jane comes from Mexico. She is a good student. She likes to keep notes of the new words and expressions she learns in English.   1.  She usually writes them in a notebook.

One day, she asked her teacher about them. “  2.

There are some expressions I don’t understand.”

“Sure. What questions do you have?”

“She’s blue today. What’s the matter? You’re yellow? A little white lie (谎言). White lie? She has a green thumb (拇指).    3. 

After looking at the notebook, the teacher says, “In English, Jane, blue sometimes means sad. For example, she is blue today; it does not mean that she is wearing a blue coat. 4. Yellow means afraid. She has a green thumb. It means that she is good at growing plants. And a white lie is not a bad lie.”

  5. ”

“For example, I give you some cake. You don’t like the cake, but you don’t say that. Instead, you say, ‘No, thanks. I’m not hungry!’ That is a white lie.”

“I see. Thanks a lot.”


A. It means that she is sad.

B. May I ask you some questions?

C. I don’t understand the last one.

D. It is really helpful for her in her study of English.

E. Blue and yellow people with green thumbs?

