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The Kind Waitress

Every evening at six o'clock an old man went to a restaurant near his house.He ate dinner.After dinner,he drank coffee and talked to the people at the restaurant.

The old man's name was Bill.Bill ate at the restaurant every evening because he was lonely.His wife had died,and he had no children.

Every evening the same waitress brought Bill his dinner.Her name was Cara.She was 17 years old.

Cara was kind to Bill.She knew he was lonely,so she talked to him.If Bill was late for dinner,she called him on the telephone."Are you OK?" she asked him.

One evening Bill didn't come to the restaurant.Cara called him,but he didn’t answer the phone.Cara called the police."Please go to Bill's house",Cara told the police.

Later the police called Cara at the restaurant."Bill died in his sleep," the police told her.Bill was 82 years old.

A week later,a man came to the restaurant."I have something for Cara," the man said.The man gave Cara a check for $500,000.The money was from Bill.

"This money is for me? From Bill?" Cara asked the man.

"Yes," the man answered.

"But...why?" Cara asked the man.

"Bill liked you," the man said."You were kind to him."

1.Bill went to the restaurant every day because the food was very good.

2.What did Bill do when he was at the restaurant?


3.What did Cara do if Bill didn't arrive at the restaurant on time?


4.Cara often talked to Bill because she knew _____________________.


