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IT'S common to carry things on bikes, trains and even planes. But do you know small drones (无人机)can help carry packages to your home?

For two years, Google has been working hard in their secret research lab. Their latest project is called Project Wing.

Project Wing is Google's invention of a drone delivery service. It is half plane and half helicopter and is slightly bigger than a seagull (海鸥). It can deliver packages to buyers by drone to door.

The first drone test was made on a farm in Warwick, Australia. It sent sweets and dog treats to a farmer. The drone flew to the farm, hovered (盘旋) and released the package with a wire. Delivery is here!

The best thing about drone delivery services is that delivery times will be greatly cut down.

You'll be able to order online in the morning. And by noontime, the delivery drone will land your package.

Throughout history, there have been a series of inventions that have helped people move things around, said Astro Teller, lead scientist of Google Wing, to CNN. Teller thinks Google drones will be the next big step in the series.

Interestingly, drones are not that young. The US has been using armed drones since 2002. But drones may also get another use. Film companies have asked to use drones to shoot videos from the sky.

Yet Google's delivery drones won't be able to fly to customers any time soon. However, Google has proved that drone delivery is possible. And with Amazon announcing their drone delivery service last year, the heat is on to make safe and suitable drones to fly the skies for customers.

1.________ transportation(s) that can carry things are mentioned in the passage.

A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four

2.Which one about Project Wing is WRONG?

A.It is Google's latest project.

B.It is Google's invention of a drone delivery service.

C.It is slightly smaller than a seagull.

D.It is half plane and half helicopter.

3.The best thing about drone delivery services is that ________.

A.you can get your package on the floor

B.you can get your package for free

C.you can get your package secretly

D.you can get your package quickly

4.Astro Teller is a ________.

A.scientist B.farmer C.officer D.teacher

5.This passage is mainly about________.

A.how to carry things B.Google's delivery drone

C.a new kind of plane D.a big company, Google

