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A Welcoming Library

Regular Fall and Spring Hours

Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 2:00 am

Friday 7:00 am - 9:00 pm

Saturday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Sunday 10:00 am - 2:00 am

Contact Information

Service Desk: (503) 943-7111 or (800) 841-8261

Research Desk: (503) 943-7788, 24/7, Library Chat

Digital Lab Desk: (503) 943-7796

Website: http://library.up.edu

Fax: (503) 943-7491

Services and Resources (资源)

Study and Learning Space: The main and upper floors are areas with different kinds of seats. The lower floor is the Quiet Floor for focused study. There are 20 group study rooms that can be booked online.

Technology: The main floor lab has 50 Windows computers, along with printers and copier/scanners. The Digital Lab on the upper floor has 16 Mac computers, scanners, a large format printer, a 3D printer, plus equipment that can be borrowed. The main floor Service Desk also checks out laptops and chargers (充电器).

1.When can students enter the library?

A.At 1 am on Wednesday. B.At 11 pm on Friday.

C.At 10 pm on Saturday. D.At 7 am on Sunday.

2.If a student has a question about the digital lab, which number should he or she call?

A.(503) 943-7111. B.(503) 943-7788.

C.(503) 943-7796. D.(503) 943-7491.

3.Which floor is for focused study?

A.The main floor. B.The upper floor.

C.The lower floor. D.The top floor.

4.What can we know about the library's technology services?

A.There are 50 printers in the main floor lab.

B.The Digital Lab is under the main floor lab.

C.Students can borrow equipment from the Digital Lab.

D.The Digital Lab has more computers than the main floor lab.

5.Which way to contact the library is not mentioned?

A.Making a phone call. B.Visiting the website.

C.Sending a fax. D.Sending an email.

