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They came into the bakery with their father.A little brother and sister both were very respectful and receptive to the man who held the door open for them.1.

When I received my change,I gave each of them £l and explained that I was so impressed with their good manners.2.He thanked me again and again for my reward.He allowed them to take the money.

I left the bakery and as I was coming out of another shop I ran into them again,each carefully carrying their little treat in a little bakery bag so that it did not get damaged.3.As I smiled back and walked to my car I thought of their eagerness to relay this event to Mum.A simple act of kindness started with the man who held the bakery door open. 4.We are here to love and serve each other.5.

Let the kindness spread!

A.Who knows where the waves will lead.

B.Their dad was not buying pastries,only bread.

C.They waved to me and smiled;we were now friends.

D.Their upbeat"thank you"really made an impression on me.

E.Though they were poorly dressed they were kind to all the customers around.

F.They carried all the goods carefully and walked joyfully with all happy smiles.

G.We surely will allow this positive effect to move through us into the lives of others.

